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Nesterova, S. G
Laboratory course on "Biodiversity of plants" [Теxt] = Education textbook : учебник / S.G Nesterova, S.S Aidosova, I.G Pankiv. - Almaty : Kazakh Univeraity, 2014. - 142 pages. - ). - ISBN 978-601-04-0227-0 : 2019т. 36т. тг.
ББК 28.5я73
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
лабораторные занятия -- биоразнообразие растений -- биотехнология -- экология -- Tissues -- Flower -- The fruit
Доп.точки доступа:
Aidosova, S.S
Pankiv, I.G
Экземпляры всего: 10
5.2-№6 оқу залы (8), 5.3-№7 оқу залы (2)
Свободны: 5.2-№6 оқу залы (8), 5.3-№7 оқу залы (2)
Nesterova, S. G
Laboratory course on "Biodiversity of plants" [Теxt] = Education textbook : учебник / S.G Nesterova, S.S Aidosova, I.G Pankiv. - Almaty : Kazakh Univeraity, 2014. - 142 pages. - ). - ISBN 978-601-04-0227-0 : 2019т. 36т. тг.
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
лабораторные занятия -- биоразнообразие растений -- биотехнология -- экология -- Tissues -- Flower -- The fruit
Доп.точки доступа:
Aidosova, S.S
Pankiv, I.G
Экземпляры всего: 10
5.2-№6 оқу залы (8), 5.3-№7 оқу залы (2)
Свободны: 5.2-№6 оқу залы (8), 5.3-№7 оқу залы (2)

Baktybayeva, L. K.
Laboratory practicum Base of physiology [Текст] : научное издание / L. K. Baktybayeva, M.S. Kulbayeva , G. T. Zhamanbayeva, M. S. Kulbayeva. - almaty : "Qazaq university", 2017. - 147 p. - ISBN 978-601-04-3138-6 : 3100.00 тг.
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
labaratory practicum -- organ systems -- cells and tissues -- nervous system -- reflexes -- muscular system -- cardiovascular system -- Oculocardiac reflex -- respiratory system -- reflexes and senses
Аннотация: The labaratory practicum on the basic discipline of the will: knowledge on General principles of functioning of the physiological systems of animals and humans; understanding the functional mechanisms of organ systems of animals and humans in phylogenesis and ontogenesis; the application of knowledge inresearch work, teaching practice and other branches of science application value; the ability to analyze the structure and functions of physiological systems of organs in norm and pathology; the theoretical basis for the solution of theoritical and practical problems of human and animal physiology and other basic Science of biology, ecology and biotechnology; the ability to compare and recognize the stages of stages of formation, functioning of physiological systems at different stages of development of the organism.
Доп.точки доступа:
, M.S. Kulbayeva
Zhamanbayeva, G.T.
Kulbayeva, M.S.
Экземпляры всего: 5
6.2-№9 оқу залы (1), 6.1-№8 оқу залы (4)
Свободны: 6.2-№9 оқу залы (1), 6.1-№8 оқу залы (4)
Baktybayeva, L. K.
Laboratory practicum Base of physiology [Текст] : научное издание / L. K. Baktybayeva, M.S. Kulbayeva , G. T. Zhamanbayeva, M. S. Kulbayeva. - almaty : "Qazaq university", 2017. - 147 p. - ISBN 978-601-04-3138-6 : 3100.00 тг.
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
labaratory practicum -- organ systems -- cells and tissues -- nervous system -- reflexes -- muscular system -- cardiovascular system -- Oculocardiac reflex -- respiratory system -- reflexes and senses
Аннотация: The labaratory practicum on the basic discipline of the will: knowledge on General principles of functioning of the physiological systems of animals and humans; understanding the functional mechanisms of organ systems of animals and humans in phylogenesis and ontogenesis; the application of knowledge inresearch work, teaching practice and other branches of science application value; the ability to analyze the structure and functions of physiological systems of organs in norm and pathology; the theoretical basis for the solution of theoritical and practical problems of human and animal physiology and other basic Science of biology, ecology and biotechnology; the ability to compare and recognize the stages of stages of formation, functioning of physiological systems at different stages of development of the organism.
Доп.точки доступа:
, M.S. Kulbayeva
Zhamanbayeva, G.T.
Kulbayeva, M.S.
Экземпляры всего: 5
6.2-№9 оқу залы (1), 6.1-№8 оқу залы (4)
Свободны: 6.2-№9 оқу залы (1), 6.1-№8 оқу залы (4)
Page 1, Results: 2