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Page 1, Results: 2

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    Botany [Electronic resource] : textbook / S.K. Imankulova, L.B. Seilova, K.I. Shalabaev, D.M. Amanbekova, A.Sh. Shokanova. - Almaty : [s. n.], 2016. - 284 p. - Б. ц.

ББК 28.0

Рубрики: Natural sciences

   Biological sciences

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
botany -- PLANT CELL -- Cell Envelope -- Mitotic Division -- Amitosis -- Endomitosis -- Polyploidy -- Excretory

Botany [Electronic resource] : Textbook / S.K. Imankulova, L.B. Seilova, K.I. Shalabaev, D.M. Amanbekova, A.Sh. Shokanova, 2016. - 284 p


Botany [Electronic resource] : Textbook / S.K. Imankulova, L.B. Seilova, K.I. Shalabaev, D.M. Amanbekova, A.Sh. Shokanova, 2016. - 284 p


    Botany [Electronic resource] : textbook / S.K. Imankulova, L.B. Seilova, K.I. Shalabaev, D.M. Amanbekova, A.Sh. Shokanova. - Almaty : [s. n.], 2016. - 284 p. - Б. ц.

ББК 28.0

Рубрики: Natural sciences

   Biological sciences

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
botany -- PLANT CELL -- Cell Envelope -- Mitotic Division -- Amitosis -- Endomitosis -- Polyploidy -- Excretory

Janice, Glimn-Lacy.
    Botany Illustrated: Introduction to Plants, Major Groups, Flowering Plant Families [Electronic resource] / Glimn-Lacy Janice, B. Kaufman Peter. - [S. l.] : Springer, 2006. - 291 p. - Б. ц.

Рубрики: BIOLOGY



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
bract -- cell -- bud -- conifer -- chlorophyll -- fertilization -- flower -- fruiting body

Доп.точки доступа:
Peter, B. Kaufman

Janice, Glimn-Lacy. Botany Illustrated: Introduction to Plants, Major Groups, Flowering Plant Families [Electronic resource] / Glimn-Lacy Janice, B. Kaufman Peter, 2006. - 291 p.


Janice, Glimn-Lacy. Botany Illustrated: Introduction to Plants, Major Groups, Flowering Plant Families [Electronic resource] / Glimn-Lacy Janice, B. Kaufman Peter, 2006. - 291 p.

Janice, Glimn-Lacy.
    Botany Illustrated: Introduction to Plants, Major Groups, Flowering Plant Families [Electronic resource] / Glimn-Lacy Janice, B. Kaufman Peter. - [S. l.] : Springer, 2006. - 291 p. - Б. ц.

Рубрики: BIOLOGY



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
bract -- cell -- bud -- conifer -- chlorophyll -- fertilization -- flower -- fruiting body

Доп.точки доступа:
Peter, B. Kaufman

Page 1, Results: 2


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