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Hermann, R.
Lie groups: history, frontiers and applications [Electronic resource] : научное издание. Vol.3. sophus lie's 1884 differential invariant paper / translated by M. Ackerman. - Brookline, Massachusetts : Math Sci Press, 1976. - 273 p. - Б. ц.
ББК 22.14
Рубрики: Algebra
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
mapping element spaces -- differential invariants -- functions and equations -- integral invariants
Hermann, R.
Lie groups: history, frontiers and applications [Electronic resource] : научное издание. Vol.3. sophus lie's 1884 differential invariant paper / translated by M. Ackerman. - Brookline, Massachusetts : Math Sci Press, 1976. - 273 p. - Б. ц.
Рубрики: Algebra
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
mapping element spaces -- differential invariants -- functions and equations -- integral invariants
Page 1, Results: 1