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Daniel, B. Botkin
    Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet [Electronic resource] / B. Botkin Daniel, A. Keller Edward. - USA : Wiley, 2010. - 658 p. - Б. ц.

Рубрики: BIOLOGY


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
carbon -- chlorine -- coal -- ecological restoration -- ecosystems -- energy

Доп.точки доступа:
Edward, A. Keller

Daniel, B. Botkin Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet [Electronic resource] / B. Botkin Daniel, A. Keller Edward, 2010. - 658 p.


Daniel, B. Botkin Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet [Electronic resource] / B. Botkin Daniel, A. Keller Edward, 2010. - 658 p.

Daniel, B. Botkin
    Environmental Science: Earth as a Living Planet [Electronic resource] / B. Botkin Daniel, A. Keller Edward. - USA : Wiley, 2010. - 658 p. - Б. ц.

Рубрики: BIOLOGY


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
carbon -- chlorine -- coal -- ecological restoration -- ecosystems -- energy

Доп.точки доступа:
Edward, A. Keller


Guide, S.
    Solaris TM 8 Operating environment sistem administration I. SA-238 [Электронный ресурс] : научное издание / S. Guide. - USA : Sun microsystems, Inc, 2000. - 19 p. - Б. ц.

ББК 32.973-018.2

Рубрики: Computers (electronic computers). Software

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
software -- sistem administration

Guide, S. Solaris TM 8 Operating environment sistem administration I. SA-238 [Электронный ресурс] : научное издание / S. Guide, 2000. - 19 p.


Guide, S. Solaris TM 8 Operating environment sistem administration I. SA-238 [Электронный ресурс] : научное издание / S. Guide, 2000. - 19 p.


Guide, S.
    Solaris TM 8 Operating environment sistem administration I. SA-238 [Электронный ресурс] : научное издание / S. Guide. - USA : Sun microsystems, Inc, 2000. - 19 p. - Б. ц.

ББК 32.973-018.2

Рубрики: Computers (electronic computers). Software

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
software -- sistem administration


Ivanov, V.
    Environmental microbiology for engineers [Электронный ресурс] : учебное пособие / Nanyang Technological University Singapore. - Boca Raton; London; New York : CRC Press: Taylor and Francis Group, 2011. - 402p.: ill. - ). - Б. ц.

ББК 28.4я7

Рубрики: Microbiology

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
microorganism -- biochemistry -- molecular biology -- genetics -- structures and functions of microbial cell and cell aggregates -- microbiological monitoring of environmental engineering systems

Ivanov, V. Environmental microbiology for engineers [Электронный ресурс] : учебное пособие / Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 2011. - 402p.: ill. с.


Ivanov, V. Environmental microbiology for engineers [Электронный ресурс] : учебное пособие / Nanyang Technological University Singapore, 2011. - 402p.: ill. с.


Ivanov, V.
    Environmental microbiology for engineers [Электронный ресурс] : учебное пособие / Nanyang Technological University Singapore. - Boca Raton; London; New York : CRC Press: Taylor and Francis Group, 2011. - 402p.: ill. - ). - Б. ц.

ББК 28.4я7

Рубрики: Microbiology

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
microorganism -- biochemistry -- molecular biology -- genetics -- structures and functions of microbial cell and cell aggregates -- microbiological monitoring of environmental engineering systems


Lewis, Lansford.
    Oil and Gas 1. ENGLISH FOR CAREERS [Electronic resource] : students book / Lansford Lewis, Vallance Darcy. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011. - 136 p. - Б. ц.

ББК 33.36(7Англ)я7


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
oil and gas -- discovery -- hydrocarbons -- exploration -- drilling -- environmental protection -- engineering and construction -- production

Доп.точки доступа:
Darcy, Vallance

Lewis, Lansford. Oil and Gas 1. ENGLISH FOR CAREERS [Electronic resource] : Students book / Lansford Lewis, Vallance Darcy, 2011. - 136 p.


Lewis, Lansford. Oil and Gas 1. ENGLISH FOR CAREERS [Electronic resource] : Students book / Lansford Lewis, Vallance Darcy, 2011. - 136 p.


Lewis, Lansford.
    Oil and Gas 1. ENGLISH FOR CAREERS [Electronic resource] : students book / Lansford Lewis, Vallance Darcy. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011. - 136 p. - Б. ц.

ББК 33.36(7Англ)я7


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
oil and gas -- discovery -- hydrocarbons -- exploration -- drilling -- environmental protection -- engineering and construction -- production

Доп.точки доступа:
Darcy, Vallance

M., Jerold.
    Biochemical and Environmental Bioprocessing: Challenges and Developments [Electronic resource] / Jerold M., Sivasubramanian V. - [S. l.] : CRC Press, 2020. - 271 p. - Б. ц.

Рубрики: BIOLOGY


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
degradation -- nanotechnology -- treatment -- isotherms -- biopolymer synthesis -- analysis -- biosorbent

Доп.точки доступа:
V., Sivasubramanian

M., Jerold. Biochemical and Environmental Bioprocessing: Challenges and Developments [Electronic resource] / Jerold M., Sivasubramanian V., 2020. - 271 p.


M., Jerold. Biochemical and Environmental Bioprocessing: Challenges and Developments [Electronic resource] / Jerold M., Sivasubramanian V., 2020. - 271 p.

M., Jerold.
    Biochemical and Environmental Bioprocessing: Challenges and Developments [Electronic resource] / Jerold M., Sivasubramanian V. - [S. l.] : CRC Press, 2020. - 271 p. - Б. ц.

Рубрики: BIOLOGY


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
degradation -- nanotechnology -- treatment -- isotherms -- biopolymer synthesis -- analysis -- biosorbent

Доп.точки доступа:
V., Sivasubramanian


    Natural Resource Management Strategy: Eastern Europe and Central Asia [Electronic resource] : научное издание. - Washington : The World Bank, 2000. - 135 p.: ill. - ). - Б. ц.

ББК 20.1

Рубрики: People and Environment

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Central Asia -- natural resource -- water resources -- climatic resources

Natural Resource Management Strategy: Eastern Europe and Central Asia [Electronic resource] : научное издание, 2000. - 135 p.: ill. с.


Natural Resource Management Strategy: Eastern Europe and Central Asia [Electronic resource] : научное издание, 2000. - 135 p.: ill. с.


    Natural Resource Management Strategy: Eastern Europe and Central Asia [Electronic resource] : научное издание. - Washington : The World Bank, 2000. - 135 p.: ill. - ). - Б. ц.

ББК 20.1

Рубрики: People and Environment

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Central Asia -- natural resource -- water resources -- climatic resources


O'Leary, T. J.
    Computing essentials: making it work for you introductory 2012 : учебное пособие / T. J. O'Leary, L. I. O'Leary. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 2012. - 388 p.: ill. - ). - Б. ц.

ББК 32.973я7

Рубрики: Computers

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Internet -- software -- web -- operating system -- computer -- computing essentials endeavors to instill an appreciation for the effect of information technology on people and our environment and to give you a basis for building the necessary skill set to succeed in the 21st century

Доп.точки доступа:
O'Leary, L.I.

O'Leary, T.J. Computing essentials: making it work for you introductory 2012 [Текст] : учебное пособие / T. J. O'Leary, L. I. O'Leary, 2012. - 388 p.: ill. с.


O'Leary, T.J. Computing essentials: making it work for you introductory 2012 [Текст] : учебное пособие / T. J. O'Leary, L. I. O'Leary, 2012. - 388 p.: ill. с.


O'Leary, T. J.
    Computing essentials: making it work for you introductory 2012 : учебное пособие / T. J. O'Leary, L. I. O'Leary. - New York : McGraw-Hill, 2012. - 388 p.: ill. - ). - Б. ц.

ББК 32.973я7

Рубрики: Computers

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
Internet -- software -- web -- operating system -- computer -- computing essentials endeavors to instill an appreciation for the effect of information technology on people and our environment and to give you a basis for building the necessary skill set to succeed in the 21st century

Доп.точки доступа:
O'Leary, L.I.

Peter, E. Hodgson
    Energy, the Environment and Climate Change [Electronic resource] / E. Hodgson Peter. - London : Imperial College Press, 2010. - 220 p. - Б. ц.

Рубрики: BIOLOGY


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
sulphur -- nuclear power -- pollution -- acid rain and -- skin cancer -- biofuels -- carbon dioxide

Peter, E. Hodgson Energy, the Environment and Climate Change [Electronic resource] / E. Hodgson Peter, 2010. - 220 p.


Peter, E. Hodgson Energy, the Environment and Climate Change [Electronic resource] / E. Hodgson Peter, 2010. - 220 p.

Peter, E. Hodgson
    Energy, the Environment and Climate Change [Electronic resource] / E. Hodgson Peter. - London : Imperial College Press, 2010. - 220 p. - Б. ц.

Рубрики: BIOLOGY


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
sulphur -- nuclear power -- pollution -- acid rain and -- skin cancer -- biofuels -- carbon dioxide

R, M Harrison.
    Ecosystem Services [Electronic resource] / M Harrison R, E Hester R. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2010. - 193 p. - ). - Б. ц.

Рубрики: BIOLOGY


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
agriculture -- nitrate -- pollination -- vegetation -- nutrient -- habitat -- environmental burdens

Доп.точки доступа:
R, E Hester

R, M Harrison. Ecosystem Services [Electronic resource] / M Harrison R, E Hester R, 2010. - 193 p.


R, M Harrison. Ecosystem Services [Electronic resource] / M Harrison R, E Hester R, 2010. - 193 p.

R, M Harrison.
    Ecosystem Services [Electronic resource] / M Harrison R, E Hester R. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2010. - 193 p. - ). - Б. ц.

Рубрики: BIOLOGY


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
agriculture -- nitrate -- pollination -- vegetation -- nutrient -- habitat -- environmental burdens

Доп.точки доступа:
R, E Hester

Rodrigo, da Rosa Righi.
    Blockchain Technology For Industry 4.0: Secure, Decentralized, Distributed And Trusted Industry Environment [Electronic resource] / da Rosa Righi Rodrigo, Marcos Alberti Antonio, Singh Madhusudan. - [S. l.] : Springer, 2020. - 168 p. - Б. ц.

Доп.точки доступа:
Antonio, Marcos Alberti
Madhusudan, Singh

Rodrigo, da Rosa Righi. Blockchain Technology For Industry 4.0: Secure, Decentralized, Distributed And Trusted Industry Environment [Electronic resource] / da Rosa Righi Rodrigo, Marcos Alberti Antonio, Singh Madhusudan, 2020. - 168 p.


Rodrigo, da Rosa Righi. Blockchain Technology For Industry 4.0: Secure, Decentralized, Distributed And Trusted Industry Environment [Electronic resource] / da Rosa Righi Rodrigo, Marcos Alberti Antonio, Singh Madhusudan, 2020. - 168 p.

Rodrigo, da Rosa Righi.
    Blockchain Technology For Industry 4.0: Secure, Decentralized, Distributed And Trusted Industry Environment [Electronic resource] / da Rosa Righi Rodrigo, Marcos Alberti Antonio, Singh Madhusudan. - [S. l.] : Springer, 2020. - 168 p. - Б. ц.

Доп.точки доступа:
Antonio, Marcos Alberti
Madhusudan, Singh

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