American Journal of Economics and Control Systems Management


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Шифр: A43372 (Журнал)
American Journal of Economics and Control Systems Management [Текст]. - Yelm : Science Book Publishing House, 2013 - . - Журнал находится в Премиум-версии IPR SMART. - ISSN 2327-6290

Кл.слова (ненормированные): economics -- system management -- control -- private enterprise -- national economy -- organizational behavior -- quality of products
Аннотация: «American Journal of Economics and Control Systems Management» (AJECSM) is a journal that publishes articles which contribute new theoretical and practical results in all the streams of Management and Control. AJECSM to fill the interdisciplinary niche related to the topic of control systems economic aspects study. The control system as an economic entity presented extremely well – in fact controlled and private enterprise, and the transnational corporation. The prime fields: Economics and national economy; ERP Research; Management and processing; Management information systems; Management of social and economic systems; Mathematical methods of economy; Operations Management; Organizational behavior; Standardization and quality control of products. br/Источник: a href
Зарегистрированы поступления:
     2014  2013