Questions and exercises on discipline "Inorganic Chemistry" for the speciality "Chemistral technology of inorganic substances" [Текст]


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    Questions and exercises on discipline "Inorganic Chemistry" for the speciality "Chemistral technology of inorganic substances" [Текст] : учеб. - метод пособие. - almaty : "Qazaq university", 2020. - 202 р. - ISBN 978-601-04-2061-8 : 4050.00 тг.




Кл.слова (ненормированные):
educational-methodical handbook -- chemistry -- basic concepts and laws of chemistry -- inorganic compounds -- complex compounds -- chemical thermodynamics -- chemical kinetics -- electrolyte solutions -- hydrolysis of salts -- redox reactions
Аннотация: The educational - methodical handbook contains questions and exercises in a test form for the course ''Inorganic Chemistry''. The educational - methodical handbook can be recommended for self - study of students enrolled in the speciality ''Chemical technology of inorganic substances", and will also be useful to teachers, students, master and PhD students of higher educational institutions of chemical specialties.
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Свободны: 2.1-№2 оқу залы (5)