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Page 15, Results: 162

Report on unfulfilled requests: 0

M 92

Mukhamediyev, B. M.
    Microeconomics [Текст] : учебник / B. M. Mukhamediyev, A.B Mukhamediyeva. - Almaty : "Qazaq University", 2021. - 265 р. - ISBN 978-601-04-4944-2 : 5150.00 тг.

ББК 65.01(7Англ)я7



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
microeconomics -- market economy -- economic costs -- budget -- Metodology of Microeconomics -- equilibrium in economy -- natural monopoly -- economic costs -- price -- grain market -- economic rent
Аннотация: The content of the textbook covers all sections of the course of Microeconomics for students of Economics Faculties in institutions of higher professional education. Along with theoritical material each section provides checklist questions.
Доп.точки доступа:
Mukhamediyeva, A.B

Экземпляры всего: 3
1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)
Свободны: 1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)

Mukhamediyev, B. M. Microeconomics [Текст] : учебник / B. M. Mukhamediyev, A.B Mukhamediyeva, 2021. - 265 р.


Mukhamediyev, B. M. Microeconomics [Текст] : учебник / B. M. Mukhamediyev, A.B Mukhamediyeva, 2021. - 265 р.

M 92

Mukhamediyev, B. M.
    Microeconomics [Текст] : учебник / B. M. Mukhamediyev, A.B Mukhamediyeva. - Almaty : "Qazaq University", 2021. - 265 р. - ISBN 978-601-04-4944-2 : 5150.00 тг.

ББК 65.01(7Англ)я7



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
microeconomics -- market economy -- economic costs -- budget -- Metodology of Microeconomics -- equilibrium in economy -- natural monopoly -- economic costs -- price -- grain market -- economic rent
Аннотация: The content of the textbook covers all sections of the course of Microeconomics for students of Economics Faculties in institutions of higher professional education. Along with theoritical material each section provides checklist questions.
Доп.точки доступа:
Mukhamediyeva, A.B

Экземпляры всего: 3
1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)
Свободны: 1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)

Tayeva, R. M.
    Lectures on the English Stylistics [Текст] : учебник / R. M. Tayeva, I. G. Orazbekova. - Алматы : "Қазақ университеті", 2020. - 132 р. - ISBN 978-601-04-4928-2 : 2850.00 тг.




Кл.слова (ненормированные):
english -- educational manual -- style -- Linking words -- education -- english language -- english stylistics -- functional styles -- practical section -- test
Аннотация: The textbook "Lectures on the English Stylistics" provides material on the English stylistics for the Bachelor`s and Master`s Degree students of the Philology, Literature Studies and World Linguages faculty.
Доп.точки доступа:
Orazbekova, I.G.

Экземпляры всего: 5
2.6-№1 Ч/З (1), 4.1-№5 оқу залы (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)
Свободны: 2.6-№1 Ч/З (1), 4.1-№5 оқу залы (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)

Tayeva, R.M. Lectures on the English Stylistics [Текст] : учебник / R. M. Tayeva, I. G. Orazbekova, 2020. - 132 р.


Tayeva, R.M. Lectures on the English Stylistics [Текст] : учебник / R. M. Tayeva, I. G. Orazbekova, 2020. - 132 р.

Tayeva, R. M.
    Lectures on the English Stylistics [Текст] : учебник / R. M. Tayeva, I. G. Orazbekova. - Алматы : "Қазақ университеті", 2020. - 132 р. - ISBN 978-601-04-4928-2 : 2850.00 тг.




Кл.слова (ненормированные):
english -- educational manual -- style -- Linking words -- education -- english language -- english stylistics -- functional styles -- practical section -- test
Аннотация: The textbook "Lectures on the English Stylistics" provides material on the English stylistics for the Bachelor`s and Master`s Degree students of the Philology, Literature Studies and World Linguages faculty.
Доп.точки доступа:
Orazbekova, I.G.

Экземпляры всего: 5
2.6-№1 Ч/З (1), 4.1-№5 оқу залы (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)
Свободны: 2.6-№1 Ч/З (1), 4.1-№5 оқу залы (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)

Bekturova, E. K.
    History and Clture of Great Britain: Regional Geography Textbook [Текст] : учебник / E. K. Bekturova. - almaty : "Qazaq university", 2020. - 104 р. - ISBN 978-601-04-4838-4 : 2400.00 тг.




Кл.слова (ненормированные):
textbook -- geographical survey -- political systems -- history -- medieval Britain -- absolute Monarchy -- Republican and Restorian Britain -- London -- oxford -- Queen Elizabeth I
Аннотация: The textbook is about the geography, history, culture and famous personalities of the English - speaking countries. Every nation and every country has its own traditions and customs.
Экземпляры всего: 5
2.6-№1 Ч/З (1), 4.1-№5 оқу залы (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)
Свободны: 2.6-№1 Ч/З (1), 4.1-№5 оқу залы (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)

Bekturova, E.K. History and Clture of Great Britain: Regional Geography Textbook [Текст] : учебник / E. K. Bekturova, 2020. - 104 р.


Bekturova, E.K. History and Clture of Great Britain: Regional Geography Textbook [Текст] : учебник / E. K. Bekturova, 2020. - 104 р.

Bekturova, E. K.
    History and Clture of Great Britain: Regional Geography Textbook [Текст] : учебник / E. K. Bekturova. - almaty : "Qazaq university", 2020. - 104 р. - ISBN 978-601-04-4838-4 : 2400.00 тг.




Кл.слова (ненормированные):
textbook -- geographical survey -- political systems -- history -- medieval Britain -- absolute Monarchy -- Republican and Restorian Britain -- London -- oxford -- Queen Elizabeth I
Аннотация: The textbook is about the geography, history, culture and famous personalities of the English - speaking countries. Every nation and every country has its own traditions and customs.
Экземпляры всего: 5
2.6-№1 Ч/З (1), 4.1-№5 оқу залы (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)
Свободны: 2.6-№1 Ч/З (1), 4.1-№5 оқу залы (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)

Aitymbetova, A. N.
    Introduction to finance [Текст] : учебник / A. N. Aitymbetova. - Алматы : ЭСПИ, 2021. - 304 р. - ISBN 978-601-342-074-5 : 7400.00 тг.



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
учебник -- finance -- management -- government finance -- finance concept -- financial system -- financial mechanism -- national bank -- finance businesses -- financial market
Аннотация: Brief annotation. The textbook ''Introduction to Finance" reflects the basic principles and structure of the country`s financial system, the book explains in detail the theoretical foundations of finance, financial and credit relations, money circulation.
Экземпляры всего: 5
1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (4)
Свободны: 1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (4)

Aitymbetova, A.N. Introduction to finance [Текст] : учебник / A. N. Aitymbetova, 2021. - 304 р.


Aitymbetova, A.N. Introduction to finance [Текст] : учебник / A. N. Aitymbetova, 2021. - 304 р.

Aitymbetova, A. N.
    Introduction to finance [Текст] : учебник / A. N. Aitymbetova. - Алматы : ЭСПИ, 2021. - 304 р. - ISBN 978-601-342-074-5 : 7400.00 тг.



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
учебник -- finance -- management -- government finance -- finance concept -- financial system -- financial mechanism -- national bank -- finance businesses -- financial market
Аннотация: Brief annotation. The textbook ''Introduction to Finance" reflects the basic principles and structure of the country`s financial system, the book explains in detail the theoretical foundations of finance, financial and credit relations, money circulation.
Экземпляры всего: 5
1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (4)
Свободны: 1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (4)

Abdizhapparova, B. T.
    Thermal processing of plant and animal raw material [Текст] : учебник / B. T. Abdizhapparova. - Алматы : ЭСПИ, 2021. - 216 р. - ISBN 978-601-342-417-0 : 7700.00 тг.




Кл.слова (ненормированные):
textbook -- thermal engineering -- safety and quality issues -- heat medium -- production of heat -- thermophysical properties of foods -- radiation heat transfer -- steady-state heat transfer -- forced convection -- free convection -- pasteurization value
Аннотация: The texbook "Thermal processing of food products" highlights basic theoretical and practical aspects in the field of thermal processing of products of plant and animal origin. Advanced world research materials in food engineering have been used at textbook.
Экземпляры всего: 5
2.1-№2 оқу залы (5)
Свободны: 2.1-№2 оқу залы (5)

Abdizhapparova, B.T. Thermal processing of plant and animal raw material [Текст] : учебник, 2021. - 216 р.


Abdizhapparova, B.T. Thermal processing of plant and animal raw material [Текст] : учебник, 2021. - 216 р.

Abdizhapparova, B. T.
    Thermal processing of plant and animal raw material [Текст] : учебник / B. T. Abdizhapparova. - Алматы : ЭСПИ, 2021. - 216 р. - ISBN 978-601-342-417-0 : 7700.00 тг.




Кл.слова (ненормированные):
textbook -- thermal engineering -- safety and quality issues -- heat medium -- production of heat -- thermophysical properties of foods -- radiation heat transfer -- steady-state heat transfer -- forced convection -- free convection -- pasteurization value
Аннотация: The texbook "Thermal processing of food products" highlights basic theoretical and practical aspects in the field of thermal processing of products of plant and animal origin. Advanced world research materials in food engineering have been used at textbook.
Экземпляры всего: 5
2.1-№2 оқу залы (5)
Свободны: 2.1-№2 оқу залы (5)

S 14

Sultanova, Z. Kh.
    Banking [Текст] : texbook for students of the economis specialties / Z. Kh. Sultanova. - Almaty : Альманахъ, 2020. - 124 p. - ISBN 978-601-7636-85-2 : 3300.00 тг.



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
banking management -- banking marketing -- electronis banking -- commercial banks -- credit process -- textbook
Аннотация: The textbook is completed according to the syllabus of the subject.The textbook consists of the theoretical and practical materials for bacheljr students.
Экземпляры всего: 3
1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)
Свободны: 1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)

Sultanova, Z.Kh. Banking [Текст] : texbook for students of the economis specialties / Z. Kh. Sultanova, 2020. - 124 p


Sultanova, Z.Kh. Banking [Текст] : texbook for students of the economis specialties / Z. Kh. Sultanova, 2020. - 124 p

S 14

Sultanova, Z. Kh.
    Banking [Текст] : texbook for students of the economis specialties / Z. Kh. Sultanova. - Almaty : Альманахъ, 2020. - 124 p. - ISBN 978-601-7636-85-2 : 3300.00 тг.



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
banking management -- banking marketing -- electronis banking -- commercial banks -- credit process -- textbook
Аннотация: The textbook is completed according to the syllabus of the subject.The textbook consists of the theoretical and practical materials for bacheljr students.
Экземпляры всего: 3
1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)
Свободны: 1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)

N 32

Nazikova, Zh. А
    Management of the hospitality industry [Текст] : textbook / Zh.А Nazikova, E.E Dzolanov, A Titobaeva. - Taraz : "Dulaty university", 2021. - 191 p. - ISBN 978-601-7329-57-0 : 1070.00 тг.


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
tyres of restaurants -- hospitality industry -- franchise system -- room stock -- scale and system -- qualification deserion -- service etiquetre -- corporate culture -- varketihg strategy -- textbook -- труды PPS
Аннотация: The content and structure of this textbook allow to study main problems of creating a modem hotel enterpise, the principles of construction and operation of its divisions.
Доп.точки доступа:
Dzolanov, E.E
Titobaeva, A

Экземпляры всего: 7
1.2-№4 Ч/З (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (5)
Свободны: 1.2-№4 Ч/З (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (5)

Nazikova, Zh.А Management of the hospitality industry [Текст] : textbook / Zh.А Nazikova, E.E Dzolanov, A Titobaeva, 2021. - 191 p.


Nazikova, Zh.А Management of the hospitality industry [Текст] : textbook / Zh.А Nazikova, E.E Dzolanov, A Titobaeva, 2021. - 191 p.

N 32

Nazikova, Zh. А
    Management of the hospitality industry [Текст] : textbook / Zh.А Nazikova, E.E Dzolanov, A Titobaeva. - Taraz : "Dulaty university", 2021. - 191 p. - ISBN 978-601-7329-57-0 : 1070.00 тг.


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
tyres of restaurants -- hospitality industry -- franchise system -- room stock -- scale and system -- qualification deserion -- service etiquetre -- corporate culture -- varketihg strategy -- textbook -- труды PPS
Аннотация: The content and structure of this textbook allow to study main problems of creating a modem hotel enterpise, the principles of construction and operation of its divisions.
Доп.точки доступа:
Dzolanov, E.E
Titobaeva, A

Экземпляры всего: 7
1.2-№4 Ч/З (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (5)
Свободны: 1.2-№4 Ч/З (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (5)

H 43

    Heavy metals and ecology [Текст] : textbook / M S Kalmakhanova B K Massalimova J L Dias de Tuesta H T Gomes. - Taraz : Dulaty university, 2022. - 114 p. - ISBN 978-601-08-1741-8 : 800.00 тг.




Кл.слова (ненормированные):
heavy metals -- ecology -- environmental toxicology -- экология -- тяжелый металл -- toxicity of heavy metals -- textbook -- магистрант -- докторант -- учебное пособие для магистрантов -- учебное пособие для докторантов -- труды PPS -- учебное пособие
Экземпляры всего: 7
6.2-№9 оқу залы (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (5)
Свободны: 6.2-№9 оқу залы (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (5)

Heavy metals and ecology [Текст] : textbook / M S Kalmakhanova B K Massalimova J L Dias de Tuesta H T Gomes, 2022. - 114 p


Heavy metals and ecology [Текст] : textbook / M S Kalmakhanova B K Massalimova J L Dias de Tuesta H T Gomes, 2022. - 114 p

H 43

    Heavy metals and ecology [Текст] : textbook / M S Kalmakhanova B K Massalimova J L Dias de Tuesta H T Gomes. - Taraz : Dulaty university, 2022. - 114 p. - ISBN 978-601-08-1741-8 : 800.00 тг.




Кл.слова (ненормированные):
heavy metals -- ecology -- environmental toxicology -- экология -- тяжелый металл -- toxicity of heavy metals -- textbook -- магистрант -- докторант -- учебное пособие для магистрантов -- учебное пособие для докторантов -- труды PPS -- учебное пособие
Экземпляры всего: 7
6.2-№9 оқу залы (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (5)
Свободны: 6.2-№9 оқу залы (2), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (5)


    Tourist routes of Zhambyl region : textbook / G.P.Zhapsarbekov, A.T.Duisembaeva, E.E.Jolanov и др. . - Тараз : "Dulaty university", 2022. - 91p. - ISBN 978-601-7329-96-9 : 710.00 тг.

ББК 65.9(7Англ)29-431.5я7



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
hIstory of Taraz -- Turar Ryskulov district -- the Merke settlements -- Tortkul manor -- Balasagun settlements -- туризм Казахстана -- textbook -- труды PPS
Аннотация: The manual can be used by students, undrergraduates of the specialtirs of tourism history geography managers and employees of the torism industri, as well as torists who are interested in the sights of Zhambyl region.
Доп.точки доступа:
G.P.Zhapsarbekov, A.T.Duisembaeva, E.E.Jolanov и др.

Экземпляры всего: 10
2.1-№2 оқу залы (9), 1.2-№4 Ч/З (1)
Свободны: 2.1-№2 оқу залы (9), 1.2-№4 Ч/З (1)

Tourist routes of Zhambyl region [Текст] : textbook / G.P.Zhapsarbekov, A.T.Duisembaeva, E.E.Jolanov и др. , 2022. - 91p с.


Tourist routes of Zhambyl region [Текст] : textbook / G.P.Zhapsarbekov, A.T.Duisembaeva, E.E.Jolanov и др. , 2022. - 91p с.


    Tourist routes of Zhambyl region : textbook / G.P.Zhapsarbekov, A.T.Duisembaeva, E.E.Jolanov и др. . - Тараз : "Dulaty university", 2022. - 91p. - ISBN 978-601-7329-96-9 : 710.00 тг.

ББК 65.9(7Англ)29-431.5я7



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
hIstory of Taraz -- Turar Ryskulov district -- the Merke settlements -- Tortkul manor -- Balasagun settlements -- туризм Казахстана -- textbook -- труды PPS
Аннотация: The manual can be used by students, undrergraduates of the specialtirs of tourism history geography managers and employees of the torism industri, as well as torists who are interested in the sights of Zhambyl region.
Доп.точки доступа:
G.P.Zhapsarbekov, A.T.Duisembaeva, E.E.Jolanov и др.

Экземпляры всего: 10
2.1-№2 оқу залы (9), 1.2-№4 Ч/З (1)
Свободны: 2.1-№2 оқу залы (9), 1.2-№4 Ч/З (1)


    Heavy metals and ecology : textbook / M.S. Kalmakhanova, B. K. Massalimova ,J. L Diaz de Tuesta, H.T. Gomes . - Тараз : Dulaty university, 2022. - 112 p. - ISBN 978-601-08-1741-8 : 820. 00 тг.

ББК 28.081+24.12(7Англ)я7



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
environmental toxicology -- environmental pollution -- tyres of pollution -- toxicitity of heavy metals -- natural waters and heavy metals -- учебник -- труды PPS -- докторант -- учебник для докторантов
Аннотация: The textbook provides an overview of environmental toxicology the cauces and tyres of environmental pollution.The textbook "Heavy Metals and ecology" is intended for students, undergraduates and doktoral students majorind in Chemistry", "Cremistry and Biology" and Ecology". The textbook will also benefil college students.
Экземпляры всего: 5
6.2-№9 ч/з (1), 2.1-№2 ч/з (4)
Свободны: 6.2-№9 ч/з (1), 2.1-№2 ч/з (4)

Heavy metals and ecology [Текст] : textbook / M.S. Kalmakhanova, B. K. Massalimova ,J. L Diaz de Tuesta, H.T. Gomes , 2022. - 112 p.


Heavy metals and ecology [Текст] : textbook / M.S. Kalmakhanova, B. K. Massalimova ,J. L Diaz de Tuesta, H.T. Gomes , 2022. - 112 p.


    Heavy metals and ecology : textbook / M.S. Kalmakhanova, B. K. Massalimova ,J. L Diaz de Tuesta, H.T. Gomes . - Тараз : Dulaty university, 2022. - 112 p. - ISBN 978-601-08-1741-8 : 820. 00 тг.

ББК 28.081+24.12(7Англ)я7



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
environmental toxicology -- environmental pollution -- tyres of pollution -- toxicitity of heavy metals -- natural waters and heavy metals -- учебник -- труды PPS -- докторант -- учебник для докторантов
Аннотация: The textbook provides an overview of environmental toxicology the cauces and tyres of environmental pollution.The textbook "Heavy Metals and ecology" is intended for students, undergraduates and doktoral students majorind in Chemistry", "Cremistry and Biology" and Ecology". The textbook will also benefil college students.
Экземпляры всего: 5
6.2-№9 ч/з (1), 2.1-№2 ч/з (4)
Свободны: 6.2-№9 ч/з (1), 2.1-№2 ч/з (4)

Page 15, Results: 162


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