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Evans, L. C.
    Partial differential equations [Электронный ресурс] : научное издание / L. C. Evans. - [S. I.: s. n.] : [s. n.], S. a. - 662 p. - ). - Б. ц.

ББК 22.1

Рубрики: Математика

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
differential equation -- transport equation -- Laplace's equation -- wave equations

Evans, L.C. Partial differential equations [Электронный ресурс] : научное издание / L. C. Evans. - 662 p.


Evans, L.C. Partial differential equations [Электронный ресурс] : научное издание / L. C. Evans. - 662 p.


Evans, L. C.
    Partial differential equations [Электронный ресурс] : научное издание / L. C. Evans. - [S. I.: s. n.] : [s. n.], S. a. - 662 p. - ). - Б. ц.

ББК 22.1

Рубрики: Математика

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
differential equation -- transport equation -- Laplace's equation -- wave equations


Showalter, R. E.
    Monotone operators in banach space and nonlinear partial differential equations [Electronic resource] : mathematical surveys and monographs. Vol.49 / R. E. Showalter. - [S. l.] : American Mathematical Society, 1997. - 283 с. - Б. ц.

ББК 22.1

Рубрики: Mathematics

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
wave equations -- unbounded operators -- variational method -- Sobolev spaces

Showalter, R.E. Monotone operators in banach space and nonlinear partial differential equations [Electronic resource] : mathematical surveys and monographs. Vol.49 / R. E. Showalter, 1997. - 283 с.


Showalter, R.E. Monotone operators in banach space and nonlinear partial differential equations [Electronic resource] : mathematical surveys and monographs. Vol.49 / R. E. Showalter, 1997. - 283 с.


Showalter, R. E.
    Monotone operators in banach space and nonlinear partial differential equations [Electronic resource] : mathematical surveys and monographs. Vol.49 / R. E. Showalter. - [S. l.] : American Mathematical Society, 1997. - 283 с. - Б. ц.

ББК 22.1

Рубрики: Mathematics

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
wave equations -- unbounded operators -- variational method -- Sobolev spaces

Page 1, Results: 2


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