Электрондық каталог


База данных: Кітаптар

Беті 1, Нәтижелерін: 1

Отмеченные записи: 0


Bizhigitov , T.
    Electrodynamics and special theory of relativity : textbook / T. Bizhigitov . - Almaty : Lantar Books, 2022. - 516 p. - ISBN 978-601-361-125-9 : 2500. 00 тг.

ББК 22.313(7Англ)я7



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
relativictis kinemarics -- relativictis dynamics -- electric charge -- electromagnetis in matter -- dopper effect -- magnetis moment -- experimental bases of electrodynamics -- electromagnetis waves in matter -- textbook -- труды PPS
Аннотация: The main of the treotory of electrodynamics and theory of relativity were discussed in the textbook. Topics covered in the course are based on program of theoretical physics and are intended for students studying in natural sciencts and mathetatics in pedagogical in universities.
Доп.точки доступа:
Zhumadilov, E.

Экземпляры всего: 2
5.3-№7 ч/з (1), 5.2-№6 ч/з (1)
Свободны: 5.3-№7 ч/з (1), 5.2-№6 ч/з (1)

Bizhigitov , T. Electrodynamics and special theory of relativity [Текст] : textbook / T. Bizhigitov , 2022. - 516 p.


Bizhigitov , T. Electrodynamics and special theory of relativity [Текст] : textbook / T. Bizhigitov , 2022. - 516 p.


Bizhigitov , T.
    Electrodynamics and special theory of relativity : textbook / T. Bizhigitov . - Almaty : Lantar Books, 2022. - 516 p. - ISBN 978-601-361-125-9 : 2500. 00 тг.

ББК 22.313(7Англ)я7



Кл.слова (ненормированные):
relativictis kinemarics -- relativictis dynamics -- electric charge -- electromagnetis in matter -- dopper effect -- magnetis moment -- experimental bases of electrodynamics -- electromagnetis waves in matter -- textbook -- труды PPS
Аннотация: The main of the treotory of electrodynamics and theory of relativity were discussed in the textbook. Topics covered in the course are based on program of theoretical physics and are intended for students studying in natural sciencts and mathetatics in pedagogical in universities.
Доп.точки доступа:
Zhumadilov, E.

Экземпляры всего: 2
5.3-№7 ч/з (1), 5.2-№6 ч/з (1)
Свободны: 5.3-№7 ч/з (1), 5.2-№6 ч/з (1)

Беті 1, Нәтижелерін: 1


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