American Journal of Control Systems and Information Technology


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Шифр: A43380 (Журнал)
American Journal of Control Systems and Information Technology [Текст]. - Yelm : Science Book Publishing House, 2013 - . - Журнал находится в Премиум-версии IPR SMART. - ISSN 2327-9516

Кл.слова (ненормированные): information technology -- control system -- computer science -- software engineering -- information system
Аннотация: The aim of the «American Journal of Control Systems and Information Technology» (AJCSIT) is to publish high quality papers which contribute new theoretical and practical results in all the streams of control systems and information technologies. The objective of AJCSIT is to communicate important research and development results in the areas of control systems, computer science, software engineering, and information systems. The scope of the journal is wide and cover all aspects of the discipline including methodologies techniques and applications. Research in control systems and information technologies is necessary to develop new concepts and tools which enhance our understanding and improve our ability to design and implement high performance control systems based on the information technologies. The prime fields: Control systems; Computer science; Software engineering; Information systems.
Зарегистрированы поступления:
     2014  2013