Z 19
Zakiryanova, M.
Life over pain and desperation [Текст] : художественная лит-ра / M. Zakiryanova. - [S. l.] : Hertfordchire press , 2014. - 187 p. - ISBN 978-0-9927873-3-2 : 500.00 тг.
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
в дар -- художественная литература -- Zakiryanova Marziya -- Marziya Zakiryanova
Аннотация: This book
This book was written by someone the brink of dearh Her life had been split in two before and after the first day of August 1991 when shen she a mother of two small chidren and full of hopes and plans for the future became disabled un a single twist of fate
Экземпляры всего: 2
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Свободны: 6.1-№8 оқу залы (1), 1.2-Көркем әдебиет (1)