Report on self-assessment of the educational program 5B072600 "Technology and Construction of Light industry Products" for passage specialized (program) accreditation [Текст] . Volume I


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    Report on self-assessment of the educational program 5B072600 "Technology and Construction of Light industry Products" for passage specialized (program) accreditation [Текст] : teaching aid. Volume I. - Taraz : Taraz University, 2019. - 56 p. - [Б.ц.] тг.

ББК 37.24(7Англ)р30:74.58(7Англ)р30

Рубрики: ТЕХНИКА


Кл.слова (ненормированные):
легкая промышленность -- self-assessment -- report -- education program -- 5B072600-Technology and Construction of Light industry Products -- specialized accreditation -- teaching aid
Экземпляры всего: 1
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Свободны: 2.1-№2 оқу залы (1)

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