QR-код құжаттың
Н 65
Ниязова, Р. Е.
Short english-russian-kazakh glossary of biochemistry [Текст] : научное издание / Р. Е. Ниязова. - Алматы : "Қазақ университеті", 2018. - 138 с. - ISBN 978-601-04-3714-2 : 2950.00 тг.
УДК | 577(03) |
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
glossary -- english -- dictionary -- biochemical -- short dictionary -- education -- genetic code -- genome -- enzymes -- exon -- myosin -- биохимия -- глоссарий
Аннотация: The glossary describes the basic terms on biochemistry and their definitions according to the modern biology science positions. The "Short English - Russian - Kazkh Glossary of Biochemistry" is devoted to the students of biological and medical faculties.
Экземпляры всего: 3
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Свободны: 5.3-№7 оқу залы (1), 6.2-№9 оқу залы (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (1)