Business tourism as a factor of sustainable development of the tourism industry [Electronic resource] /Moldasheva, A.B.


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Moldasheva, A. B.
    Business tourism as a factor of sustainable development of the tourism industry [Electronic resource] / A. B. Moldasheva, A. T. Aymen, D. O. Atasheva. - Nur-Sultan : Bika, 2020. - 120 p. - ISBN 978-601-7075-17-0 : Б. ц.

ББК 65.9

Рубрики: ECONOMY

Кл.слова (ненормированные):
business tourism development -- International tourist exchange -- tourist market -- formation of business tourism

Доп.точки доступа:
Aymen, A.T.
Atasheva, D.O.

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