QR-код документа
M 92
Mukhamediyev, B. M.
Microeconomics [Текст] : учебник / B. M. Mukhamediyev, A.B Mukhamediyeva. - Almaty : "Qazaq University", 2021. - 265 р. - ISBN 978-601-04-4944-2 : 5150.00 тг.
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
microeconomics -- market economy -- economic costs -- budget -- Metodology of Microeconomics -- equilibrium in economy -- natural monopoly -- economic costs -- price -- grain market -- economic rent
Аннотация: The content of the textbook covers all sections of the course of Microeconomics for students of Economics Faculties in institutions of higher professional education. Along with theoritical material each section provides checklist questions.
Доп.точки доступа:
Mukhamediyeva, A.B
Экземпляры всего: 3
1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)
Свободны: 1.2-№4 Ч/З (1), 2.1-№2 оқу залы (2)
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